The April survey is focusing on reading from a professional development perspective - and no, it doesn't have to just be books...!
The survey ends 30 April - and it only has 2 questions - so let's find out what everyone's reading and perhaps expand our own reading list further when we get the results in May!
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Web Conferencing Survey results
The LTUG March 2007 survey has closed - the full results are available at the LearnTel survey blog.
In the meantime, here are some highlights:
76% of respondents have tried web conferencing - that's quite a dramatic shift I believe from just 12 months ago, where I was constantly coming across people who had not participated or even heard of web conferencing.
65.5% of respondents use web conferencing in the education or training programs with 33% of these using it once a week.- which is great - think of all the extra people who are can now have access to learning opportunities (provided they have internet access, of course).
Macromedia Breeze was the most commonly used tool by 38.9% of respondents. Followed by Elluminate, Webex, Microsoft Live Meeting and Skype.
Here's a snippet from the comments:
What people liked MOST about web conferencing...
Tips for teaching with web conferencing...
[ABB: all wise tips that apply to any type learning event!]
Why don't you use web conferencing...
Quite a range of responses there... if you want the full results click here.
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Posted by AnneBB on April 03, 2007 at 03:56 PM in Editorial Comment, Surveys | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)