Considering the notion of deadlines in the context of the purpose of assessment almost seems an ironic contradiction... but let's just look at what a deadline is - or isn't:
What a deadline is not:
it is NOT when you start your submission
is NOT to be ignored
you do NOT wait until after it's passed to request an extension
you will NOT die if you do not submit on time (you may get penalised - but it's not fatal - probably!)
Who are deadlines for? A couple of perspectives: Students:
deadlines provide milestones to manage progress through subject matter,
feedback to encourage,
guidance for further development
must be adhered to for your marks to be processed and submitted to the greater administrative systems
deadlines allow us to manage our time allocations / workloads (that's when assignments are submitted on time)
provide the lecturer/educator some feedback on how students are grasping the content being studied
is a compulsory part of the adminstration tasks
So - why do students not submit assignments on time?
too busy? (doing.. something more interesting?)
conflict between workloads - work versus studies
not motivated?
fear of failure? Or not achieving?
don't understand the task clearly enough?
not engaged with the content of the subject?
don't care?
When was the last time you, as an educator, heard a student say how much they enjoyed an exam? Although - I have had some students admit to really enjoy some of their projects that are assessable at the end of semester... But - the final answer to the original question is clearly more complex than some of the tongue in cheek comments I've observed here! ;-)
Considering the notion of deadlines in the context of the purpose of assessment almost seems an ironic contradiction... but let's just look at what a deadline is - or isn't:
What a deadline is not:
it is NOT when you start your submission
is NOT to be ignored
you do NOT wait until after it's passed to request an extension
you will NOT die if you do not submit on time (you may get penalised - but it's not fatal - probably!)
Who are deadlines for? A couple of perspectives: Students:
deadlines provide milestones to manage progress through subject matter,
feedback to encourage,
guidance for further development
must be adhered to for your marks to be processed and submitted to the greater administrative systems
deadlines allow us to manage our time allocations / workloads (that's when assignments are submitted on time)
provide the lecturer/educator some feedback on how students are grasping the content being studied
is a compulsory part of the adminstration tasks
So - why do students not submit assignments on time?
too busy? (doing.. something more interesting?)
conflict between workloads - work versus studies
not motivated?
fear of failure? Or not achieving?
don't understand the task clearly enough?
not engaged with the content of the subject?
don't care?
When was the last time you, as an educator, heard a student say how much they enjoyed an exam? Although - I have had some students admit to really enjoy some of their projects that are assessable at the end of semester... But - the final answer to the original question is clearly more complex than some of the tongue in cheek comments I've observed here! ;-)
Reframing Assessment #2
What is a deadline?
Considering the notion of deadlines in the context of the purpose of assessment almost seems an ironic contradiction... but let's just look at what a deadline is - or isn't:
What a deadline is not:
Who are deadlines for? A couple of perspectives:
So - why do students not submit assignments on time?
When was the last time you, as an educator, heard a student say how much they enjoyed an exam?
Although - I have had some students admit to really enjoy some of their projects that are assessable at the end of semester...
But - the final answer to the original question is clearly more complex than some of the tongue in cheek comments I've observed here! ;-)
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Posted by AnneBB on May 09, 2008 at 08:12 AM in Editorial Comment, Pedagogy | Permalink