The list of podcasting implementations is growing rapidly in educational's another report of university initiatives from the Sydney Morning Herald: "Podcast lectures a hit with conscientious university students" .
Looks like the student feedback is positive - based on the reports from this article.
I rather like this comment (right at the end of the article):
"[The US education thinker] David Thornburg said, 'Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer should be.'
"I would modify that and say any teacher that can be replaced by a podcast should be."
Interesting perspective...yet the benefits of recorded lectures are perhaps outlined in the article and reinforced by student comments - review of complex or abstract concepts, access and review for ESL students. Other practices I've discussed with colleagues see the podcasts as supplementary commentary on current topics, perhaps interviews with experts; overview of lecture content reduced to 15 minute segments - rather than recording a 1 -2 hour lecture; Q&As about assessement tasks is a huge hit with the students; and what about student produced content from discussion topics....?
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