UTS Training & Development Services Trainers' Network presents:
"Productive Reflection at Work"
Professor David Boud will talk about how this book articulates a new focus on "productive reflection". It emphasises productivity combined with satisfying the lived experience of work life. It points the way to a new focus on learning at work that moves away from an individual focus on reflection towards a collective one that critically mirrors the current context of production in workplaces.
This text has been highly recommended for students and practitioners concerned with Human Resource Development in organisations and Continuing Professional Education
Professor David Boud, Professor of Adult Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Technology, Sydney
Date: 12 May 2006
Time: 5.30 - 7pm (refreshments from 5.00pm)
Venue: Faculty of Education, UTS - 235 Jones St, Broadway (level 5)
Cost: $25.00 GST incl, payable by cheque or cash
You don't need to be a member of the network to attend!
email me if you'd like to attend (we need indication of numbers for catering purposes!)