EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory
Biennial Workshop,
7th-9th December, 2006,
The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong SAR, China
The EARLI Special Interest Group 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory invites you to participate in the forthcoming workshop between the biennial EARLI conferences. The workshop will be held from December 7th to 9th, 2006 at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
The theme of the workshop is "Phenomenography and Variation Theory: The Ways Forward". The presentation format can be paper, symposium, roundtable discussion or interactive workshop.
Proposals for paper presentation, roundtable discussion and interactive workshop should include the following information:
1) Title of the presentation;
2) Name(s), affiliation(s), address, and email address;
3) Summary of 500 words; and
4) Abstract of 150 words.
Symposium proposals should include:
1) A description of the issues and their importance (maximum 500 words) and
2) Abstract of all participants' presentations (maximum 150 words each).
Submission is by email in either pdf or Word format and should be sent to the Conference Secretariat at [email protected]
Deadline for submission of proposals is June 30, 2006.
All proposals will be reviewed by an academic panel which consists of experienced SIG 9 members. A notice of acceptance will be sent by email no later than July 31, 2006.
The conference language is English. Opportunities to publish papers following the workshop may be available. Further details will be posted at a later date.
Registration fee: HK$1,000 (equivalent to approximately Euro 106/Swedish Konor980/Aus $176). The registration fee will cover conference bag/folder, the abstracts, lunches, coffee and snacks in the mornings and afternoons during the workshop.
Key dates:
June 30, 2006 Deadline for submission of proposals
July 31, 2006 Notice of acceptance
August 15, 2006 Registration deadline for participants
September 1, 2006 Deadline for conference fee payment
If you would like to get more information regarding the workshop, visit our website at http://www.edu.hku.hk/earli/
For further enquires, please send an email to the chairs of the organizing committee, Ming
Fai PANG at [email protected] or Mona HOLMQVIST at [email protected].